The egg is part of the “super food” category because it is a complete food that contains many nutrients starting from proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins to enzymes.
The egg proteins are very important because their nutritional value is very big as they contain the most balanced amino acids content. As forming elements of proteins, the amino acids have some basic functions:
– represent a big part of tissues, cells and muscles in the body;
– support the development and healing of tissues and cells;
– improve blood circulation;
– produce enzymes to help your digestion;
– synthesize hormones essential in reproduction;
– contribute to energy supply.
The chemical composition of the whole egg is the following:
– Water 72%
– Proteins 11.6%
– Fats 14%
– Carbohydrates 0.5%
– Minerals 0.9%
– Miscellaneous 1%
The yolk composition is the following:
– Water 52.9%
– Proteins 16.7%
– Fats 26.7%
– Carbohydrates 2.6%
– Vitamins (biotin, pantetonic acid, choline, B complex – especially B2, A, D, E vitamins) 0.5%
– Minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, selenium, chlorine, sulfur, iodine) 0.5%
– Pigments (zeaxanthin, lutein, traces of beta-carotene) – 0.1%
The white composition is the following:
– Water 88%
– Proteins 10%
– Carbohydrates 0,5%
– Minerals 0.5% (sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc)
– Vitamins (B6 vitamin, B5 vitamin, B3 vitamin, B2 vitamin).