It is very important that Super Eggs is I.F.S certified and thus it can prove to customers that its products meet the highest standards of legal, safety and quality provisions.
Another aspect that differentiates Super Eggs on the market is the fact that it adapts to customer needs depending on the field in which they operate. Related to this, the powdered or pasteurized eggs are based on the specification required by the customer, so that products can be successfully used by him in what he produces.
It is relevant that Super Eggs also adapts to the quantitative needs of the customers. Thus, pasteurized eggs are delivered both in bag-in-boxes starting from 3 kg and in tanks of 20 tons and powdered eggs are delivered and packaged both in 250 kg boxes and in big boxes (big-boxes) of 650 kg.
The warranty offered by all these assets of Super Eggs and definitely the quality of its products, have as result the continuous and substantial increase the customers number and the quantities delivered.
Therefore, we thank to all customers who support us.